Sunday, March 19, 2006

Great Falls Park

A young turkey vulture at Great Falls Park in Washington D.C.

Rainy Day

Taken in Annapolis.

Snow Day

In February 2006 a storm dumped 18 inches of snow in Maryland. It quickly melted.

Dad's Visit

Taken in a local park in Maryland when Nicole's dad visited.


Nicole friend in Colorado, with her husband and daughter.

Great Salt Lake

Taken on a bird refuge.

Baby Blessing

Jon's brother, his wife, and their new baby.

Christmastime Part II

Jon's parent's opening their Christmas gift (a gift certificate taped to the bottom of the box) after Jon's brother and his wife arrived from Virginia.


Jon and Nicole's trip to Fairfield, Utah towards the end of December to watch for eagles.

Duck Pond

Jon and Nicole's last visit to the duck pond on the south end of the BYU campus.